A suit without owner, Rosario's longing for her father fades when she falls in love with Emiliano and lends him the beautiful suit to sing at Bar Garibaldi. Despite her painful memories, Rosario maintains a romantic image of her father and preserves his magnificent mariachi suit enshrined as a relic in a glass case. Trying to overcome the memory of a dysfunctional childhood, Rosario studies Business Administration part time at a local public university in hopes of bettering the economic circumstances of her family. Her father's death left Rosario, her sick mother, and younger sister almost destitute and forced Rosario to start work as a singer at an early age to support her family. The happiest and saddest moments in Rosario's life are connected to the memory of her father, a mariachi singer, romantic and passionate, given to heavy drinking and womanizing. Through him, she also manages to accept and understand her late father, who was killed while in frivolous pursuit of a woman other than his wife, Rosario's mother. Rosario also finds true love with Emiliano. He also finds himself falling inexorably in love with Rosario, a woman who he would never have considered in his previous life, and who now will become the great love of his life. Foremost, he discovers through the mariachi world in Colombia, his own Mexican roots and culture, which have an extensive presence in Colombia. Thanks to her, Emiliano, who is blessed with a beautiful singing voice, manages to survive as a singer at Bar Garibaldi, while evading the assiduous hunt mounted by the Interpol, and the Mexican and Colombian police forces. Emiliano is astounded to receive Rosario's generous help despite her obvious poverty and the fact that she does not know who Emiliano really is. The storyline explores lessons in life for both Emiliano and Rosario. Instantly attracted to each other, their friendship will face formidable challenges and transform their lives forever. She decides to help him without knowing that Emiliano is a wealthy Mexican that has arrived in Colombia as a fugitive of the law, falsely accused of a mayor crime, and that he is giving her a false name and ficticious background. One night she finds Emiliano Sanchez-Gallardo at the door of the Bar in a fragile state after being mugged and robbed of all his money, credit cards and all forms of ID, including his Mexican passport. Rosario Guerrero is a mariachi, a singer of traditional Mexican music (rancheras), who works at the popular Bar Garibaldi in Bogota, Colombia.The synopsis below may give away important plot points.